Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Losing swagger

For the better part of 10 years, you didn't want to face one of my teams. Whether it was football, hockey or baseball, my teams haven't just been in the top half of the league standings -- they've been at the top or just off it.

Not this year.

In my hockey league with my hometown buddies, I'm 0-4 and a half-point away from the fewest scored. The tie that I thought I had turned out to be a 'L' after an apparent scoring change.

In my keeper hockey league, I'm 2-2 and 4th in points scored (out of 12).

In football, I'm 4-4 and in the middle of the pack in terms of points scored.

After a long track record of finishing in the money, I don't think for a minute that I might have lucked out all these years. But still, it's astonishing to have such an autumn of discontent.

Luck -- or rather, lack of it -- has something to do with it. In one hockey league, the owner with the most points scored didn't even draft his team (two fellow owners drafted for him). In both hockey leagues, I've been snake-bitten by poor goaltending and injuries.

It's said that things even themselves out in the end. And we're only one-sixth through the hockey season. So I'll try to follow my own advice and not panic. That means not making rash trades, cutting bait on my studs, and getting frustrated and apathetic.

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